BossBaeb: Kassandra Ortega

BossBaeb: Kassandra Ortega

About Kassandra:

Kassandra Ortega is the founder and CEO of BossBaeb. She graduated from WSU (Go Cougs!) and majored in Digital Technology and Culture with a Minor in Business Administration. She is a founder of the Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. where she tapped into her best self by being surrounded by a community of very ambitious women.

When she’s not working her 9-5 on a grant writing team or her clothing business, Kassandra enjoys staying active to maintain a sound body and mind. She enjoys hot yoga (shout out to Renu Hot Yoga), hiking, and playing nerf gun battles with her 5 year old (a full workout all on its own).

For astrology minded folks, she is a grounded aquarius and her moon is in gatorade (: Jokes aside, her life mantra is: “The only ones who are failures are the ones who never try.” It’s simple and to the point. It gives her the courage to be creative, to extend herself beyond her cocoon of introversion.

Kassandra started BossBaeb to empower women and help them boost their confidence and style. Kassandra’s goal is to provide an outlet for those women who get their grind on and want to shatter the glass ceilings while feeling and looking good. It's not just what you put on, but also what you put out in the world. 

What BossBaebs puts out is positive vibes for the unapologetically ambitious women who work to lift each other up, not put each other down. 

What inspires you?

My father has been an agriculture worker for 30 years and counting. He first began working in the fields in 1990 coming into this country with almost nothing from Michoacan, Mexico. We have always been surrounded by agricultural fields and every single time I see my father, or other agricultural workers, I feel the pain of their labor, sweat, and sacrifice. They are giving their bodies and minds to the work, and most field workers are usually trying to make ends meet but still living in poverty. They all had a journey just to make it to the field. 

The daily ambition and hustle my dad practiced has been engraved into my soul. I would not have my education and business if it wasn’t for his work ethic. He would say in Spanish, “If you don’t get an education, you will end up doing hard labor work like me”. He inspires me everyday to be my best self and prove that his sacrifices weren’t in vein.

What is your personal mission statement?

Have your vision and work towards it. The only person you compete against is you. Find your community. Don’t compare yourself to others. Be the person you secretly wished you could be. Make a shift if you have to.

How do you conquer your fears?

I have many fears, as small or as big as they are I always push myself to face my fear. Everytime I am able to face a fear, I know I am tapping into my self growth. I don’t like to be stagnant, by facing my fears I feel empowered to keep growing.

What is one piece of advice that you have for women?

Don’t make others happy at your expense. 

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