BOSSBAEB: Dra. Francis Martinez

BOSSBAEB: Dra. Francis Martinez
About Dra. Francis Martinez

Mertaly Francisca Martinez, who goes by Francis, is a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in the Mind and Body connection. She has a Bachelor's degree from University of Washington in Public health and Geography and a Doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. Her grind doesn't stop there, as she is currently completing an Integrative Pelvic Therapy Certification Program with a focus on Somatic Dialogue and Trauma informed care. She is a first generation Latina, a creator, a spiritual coach and a healer. She currently has her own telemedicine practice where she works with first generation Latinas to get to the root of their unhealed intergenerational traumas on a spiritual, emotional and physical level. Some of the symptoms of these traumas on an emotional/spiritual level are anxiety, negative self-talk, self-doubt, unhappiness, and unhealthy relationships. On a clinical level some symptoms can look like fatigue, chronic stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, digestive issues and nervous system dysregulation. 

Francis has a passion for this work because she has personally experienced childhood trauma and wants to be the person that she wishes she had during that difficult time. It's important to feel seen, validated, and represented in the therapist, doctor, healer, or whoever you are sharing your vulnerability or medical care with. Francis also had to simultaneously do the work herself so that she could teach from an embodied place. She  wants to share everything she’s learned in medical school, in her own healing, and as a first generation Latina to her fellow sisters. Francis says, “We heal in community”, and that belief is also the cornerstone of the bossbaeb community. Empowering and supporting each other to enhance our future is the core ethos of bossbaeb and Francis is the perfect embodiment. 

What inspires you?

My parents are my reason, inspiration and my motivation everyday. They have worked endlessly to give me a chance at a better life, and opportunities they didn’t have. They weren't able to receive a formal education so they made sure to instill that education is essential for me to succeed. My parents are one of my strongest lines of support and encourage me to stop at nothing in pursuit of my goals and dreams. 

What is your personal mission statement?

No one can be like you, and that is your superpower. No one has lived your life experiences, your story, your purpose. Be authentically yourself.

How do you conquer your fears?

I try to get to the root of the fear. The root of many fears come down to limiting beliefs we believe about ourselves and stop us from expanding. I try to figure out if this fear is coming from a belief society has placed on me, is it colonization, imposter syndrome or generational trauma. I have to separate my conditioning and limiting beliefs from myself and what I know I am capable of. Once I can do that, I can do anything. 

What is one piece of advice you have for first generation Latina’s?

You deserve to be seen, heard, validated, and applauded. We come from a lineage of people who can do absolutely anything who are resilient and did whatever it took for a better life. Learning to pour into ourselves and love ourselves has become our revolution and generational trauma can stop with us. 

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